Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink!
On 30th of October the program has two elements, the last of the beginners session in the back room looking at what to do with pictures after you have taken them; the computer night 🙂, and in the main room an attempt at water drop photography.
To help out on the night, you will need to being some kit yourselves, cameras, lenses, tripod, a flash that you can use “off-camera”, a tray for the water to land in, plastic bags to pierce holes in for the drops the list continues. However to make life a bit less cumbersome then we’ll bring the club’s studio lights and some radio triggers, plus some old simple Speedlites so even if you haven’t got a flash or are not sure how to get on with this kind of setup then there’s kit on hand to help. I think for a lot of members this will be a “voyage of discovery” kind of night.
By way of some information the videos below from youtube show a lot of the tips you will need to make successful pictures at this session.
If you missed last weeks meeting with Photoshop trainer, retoucher, photographer and nice guy Glyn Dewis you can sign up to his newsletter on his blog and get a 40 minute long video full of some of his techniques.