Tuesday 28th of May 2013 will be the first time that the new ImageZ Challenge Trophy is presented, and the first time that the club members will see it too. This “teaser shot above” is taken from a pretty extreme angle to disguise the trophy – a little.
A special and unique trophy
A long time ago the idea of creating a unique and special trophy was conceived, with some dedicated searching and some unique approaches we have created a trophy like no other – it’s a pure one of a kind.
If you want to see it make sure to come to the awards presentation night. If you want to take care of it for a year then you’ll need to enter all the rounds of the 2013/14 ImageZ Club Challenge and consistently score high marks.
Not just one trophy…
This year for the first time in the club’s history – at least as long as I can remember – there are cups for winner on the night competitions and award certificates for those who got close, but not quite close enough to win.