Round 1 results Round 1 of the ImageZ Club Challenge 2014/15 had a good number of entries again. Many thanks to everyone who submitted pictures. The judge with the unenviable task of judging the pictures and choosing a favourite was Terry Coffey. The top score on the night was 40 points awarded to Aussie Allan Thomson and …
Judges Blog… 2 OK you’ve read the competition rules beforehand and mentally prepared for the task ahead. You stride purposefully, confident and prepared for what you are about to face. We don’t want any trouble tonight Your entrance is met with anxious sidewards glances, narrowed eyes and subdued whispers; suddenly the piano stops playing. Like …
Nick Razey’s gallery Each member of the ImageZ camera club is given space on the club website to share some of their images. Nick Razey has recently made use of this with a submission of his wildlife pictures for his members gallery page. We could still do with some more submissions from the members as …
ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2014 ImageZ camera club member Sally Kilpin has added another prize to her growing collection. Her Zebra picture has just been announced as the winner of the ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2014 in the Weird and Wonderful section. BBC News The Telegraph ZSL Animal Photography Prize 2015 The 2015 competition is …
Judges Blog…1 To be invited to another club to act as an ‘official’ to preside and adjudicate over the abilities of others is indeed a privilege however, I can’t help feeling that I am sometimes used as a bit of a scapegoat. Judging other peoples work is indeed difficult at the best of times however …
Sharpen your photography skills ImageZ camera club provides training for photographers who want to learn how to take better photos with their current camera. Four sessions Join this four session workshop on Tuesday evenings to learn how photographers think and use the camera they have to make pictures that are more than just snaps. Session …