Judges Blog…1
To be invited to another club to act as an ‘official’ to preside and adjudicate over the abilities of others is indeed a privilege however, I can’t help feeling that I am sometimes used as a bit of a scapegoat.
Judging other peoples work is indeed difficult at the best of times however the old adage of ‘ I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t…….blah..blah…’ applies every time. I do enjoy it enormously, but consider just for a moment the following, it may give you a idea of what I am eluding to and sometimes faced with.
Imagine a meeting in the front room of 72 Acacia Ave, huddled round tepid coffee and stale biscuits are ‘the committee’ it is late July. The coming year’s club programme is a sketchy plagiarised version of last years. “OK you lot – competition titles come on, let’s have some ideas”. “We’ll get it in the neck if we don’t come up with some ideas”, how often is the mantra echoed up and down the county. “How about Landscapes’ …erm…. ‘Water’…erm… ‘People” and so it goes. The Chairman looks at the clock – 15 mins before closing time. Someone then comes up with a revolution. “Let’s make it more creative, more abstract, and different somehow….”
Nothing, we’ll call it Nothing
It’s the final competition of the year 12 people are within a microbe of each other for the prestigious club championship champion of champions trophy. In front of me are the final three images, I have to separate these 1st, 2nd, 3rd there is ‘nothing’ between them. Three blank canvases.
It’s your call………..
As you walk back to your car in the drizzle at about 10:10pm, behind you the lights of the village hall aglow the legacy, one person worshiping the ground you walk on, 11 others feeling bitterly cheated and ‘The committee’ huddled together in the corner muttering, “ Next year – Landscapes”. You look back in your rear view mirror with a smile……till next time.
Thoughts of a Judge.
Alan Taberer IMAGEZ
Lovely story Alan; set subjects and committees; my view is that committees are too set and need new subjects !
I think we are too stilted in our club photography, and too sheepish in following trends. I like big commercial competitions from the public at large. Try seeing the next Sony World Exhibition when it comes round again next June (I think). Opens your eyes to the wider and more story telling purposes of photography. Luv and kisses, Stan
Cheers Stan. Keep watching there’s plenty more to come on the judges blog. Catch up soon
I absolutely agree with Stan. I go to a lot of exhibitions and look at magazines quite a bit too. I think some judges should do that too. You see a whole different world of photography out there. But in my view Imagez is a relatively creative club- that’s why I joined.