On the 20th of September 2015 the RPS will be holding Digital Imaging Expo 2015 at Warwick University. This will be a chance for RPS members and non-members to join a fully packed day of learning about digital imaging. It is also a day for anyone interested in having an LRPS panel of work assessed.
Here’s a short video about the day created by the RPS.
Amongst the speakers on the day there will be
- Joe Cornish HonFRPS with his images in ‘Regarding Landscape’
- Steve Caplin with his talk ‘Photo manipulation: How far can you go?’
- Eddie Ephraums with ‘The Art of Photography’.
Three Digital Imaging Theatres will feature:
- Stimulating presentations from the keynote speakers
- Adobe workshops with David Mallows
- Epson on colour management and printing
- A variety of presentations on the latest equipment from the trade
- The Bowens Studio will offer you the chance to learn how to use lighting and to shoot a live model.
- The RPS will be holding LRPS Assessments.
- We’ll be showing our Print Exhibition and Projected Image slide show.
- And we will have around a dozen trade stands for browsing and buying.
Find out more about the RPS Digital Imaging Expo here – www.rps.org/DIGexpo
The day costs £25 for members and £35 for non-members, please book tickets from the RPS.