Hi Folks, Last night it was a fun evening where as teams or individuals we had to guess the macro objects being shown on screen. Previously we had all been given a few weeks to enter images which I certainly found quite challenging not having a macro lens or being the normal images i take …
Hi Folks, Last night we had an experimental critique night for new members who would like some input from the Judge on their images but preferred not to have them marked. Our Judge for the evening was John Credland. There were six entries in the critique category The first of these was a …
Hi Folks, On Tuesday night Micki Aston gave a talk about her recent trip to Cambodia and Vietnam illustrated by about 400 photographs to show us, which she said was only about a tenth of what she took on the trip. I have to say I often find it difficult to find 15 of mine …
On 14th of November join ImageZ camera club for an evening with Micki Aston. Micki will be sharing her photographic journey of discovery with her images from Cambodia and Vietnam. Held at, Weston Turville Village Hall, School Approach, Weston Turville, HP22 5RW Please arrive at 20:00 for an 20:15 start. Guests £5 on the door Free …
Last night was one of the biggest club turnouts I have seen and must have been pleasing for those who organised the evening. Julia Cleaver gave us a talk on some of the things to be aware of when taking portrait photographs. First of all look at the features of the subject and work out …
Hi Folks, Last night was the club’s first round of the league cup. Dave Hipperson was the judge for the evening and he was judging the theme of ‘Red’ and of course the open category. Before the start our chairman Chris gave a small speech to the new members on how one can learn from …