Last night was one of the biggest club turnouts I have seen and must have been pleasing for those who organised the evening.
Julia Cleaver gave us a talk on some of the things to be aware of when taking portrait photographs.
First of all look at the features of the subject and work out the best ways of enhancing them. Julia gave a demonstration using a mask and torch on how lighting affects a subject being photographed.
Then we were shown lighting from one direction, this is usually done when photographing men. You must then work out if you need to bounce the light.
Kathy holds up a reflector to bounce the light to the other side of the subject
Try to make your subject feel at easy, work out the best poses for them and explain to them what you are attempting to do. They may be nervous and not ask for a break so don’t forget to ask them.
Work out if you need to blur the background and control the direction you are shooting from and remember you can do this at home, it can be fun photographing people.
Julia said there are five different set ups for the evening and one would probably get around 5 minutes at each setup.
Some of the setups are more complex than others but there will be committee members and others there to help. Whilst waiting try and see what others are doing to give you ideas.
During the evening some of the members acting as models will change to other volunteers.
one of three models we had last night
second model
Thank you to Des for taking these photographs whilst I was making adjustments to my camera and using various flash units on site.
Stan showing our third model some of the shots he had managed
A club member volunteering in one of the set ups
It did work out quite well with several shots being taken at the same time
where this setup needed the trigger flash unit for it to work
other set ups had the lighting already on the subject.
This set up had a grey background, as the colour grey works well in Photoshop applications
I thought the evening worked out well
some of the photographs I managed for the first time using ISO, white balance, Aperture and speed settings in manual
Thank you to Chenxi for advice and the use of the lighting trigger on these next two photographs.
these were on my own flash.
Again experimenting with different settings and a different flash.
Here Des posing as the man who delivers the Cadbury milk tray lol
A big thank you to Julia and all the members that made this evening happen. I know a lot of work went into arranging it and setting it all up and then taking down all the equipment. I would think this would have been the biggest set up evening we have had at the club
I am sure many people have some good photographs of the evening and Brian is arranging for photographs to be loaded in the competition area of the website to pass on to the models and requests people add a couple of each model.
Next week