Hi Folks,
Chris started the evening by giving us a talk on the rearranged evening programme and how he had made various pieces of equipment to use as props for the evenings shoot.
These included various led lights and strips that can be bought fairly cheaply and fastened to strips of wood.
Chris talked about how he created the images sent to us via an email which had been produced just a week before in the car park after we had all gone home lol.
Last night it was a bitterly cold night and we were all due to go outside using cameras and tripods
I had brought along a sixty led lit torch to play with and two ordinary torches each with about 6 led lights in them.
So after the talk we went out in various dark areas of the car park and set up the equipment.
Des Fox assisted me and we tried various settings to get the right results F22 seem to be best for me to keep everything in focus.
after the initial waving around of the big torch we tried other patterns with me in this one walking down the pathway and back
Spiralling out of control
The camera was on a long exposure and this was probably my best with this torch
so it was then an attempt to hold the smaller torches in each hand and try and create a symmetry pattern
After which we were freezing and we went in for a coffee and found my glasses had steamed up just hitting the warm air in the hall lol
After coffee Chris organised a set up in the hall for us all to photograph taking Christmas tree lighting around the piano
After which I think everyone was happy just to stay in the hall where there was also a still life setup to photograph.
I just took it with my compact and no tripod
Next week is
Club Challenge Round 3
Tuesday January 23, 2018 from 20:15 to 22:15
Judge: Micki Aston (Windsor PS)
Thank you Chris for organising a fun and interesting evening, for showing us options for painting with lights, and standing outside in the car park in the freezing cold with us when you weren’t feeling very well. We got some nice results both outside, and in the hall in the second half. I really enjoyed it.
It was fun wasn’t it!!