Hi Folks,
Last night was ‘match an image’ competition between Leighton Buzzard, Buckingham and ImageZ camera clubs.
There was a good turn out from all three clubs for a fun packed evening.
Although ImageZ have been in two or three similar competitions in the past one of the clubs had not and were so impressed they asked us if we would do a return competition at their venue.
The Judge for the evening was Alan Copeland from Whitchurch Hill CC.
Alan said, he welcome any banter, heckling and any comments regarding his points judging lol.
Three laptops, screens and projectors were set up for the competition which is just a really nice excuse for a social evening to meet other clubs.
The rules of the competition
The first nominated club puts their first picture on screen and the other two clubs have one minute to match the image.
Points are first awarded out of 5 for the nearest to a match and then up to 5 marks given for the quality of the images.
The audience can persuade the judge in anyway they can to up or lower his awarded points
and Kathy at the side kept scores and timing
Leighton Buzzard was the first to shown an image and the Judge Alan himself had taken this similar shot of a drain cover some where in Outer Mongolia lol
Matching a picture early on should be relatively easy but each club was limited to just 30 photographs and towards the end matching would get very difficult.
Pictures can only be used once in the competition.
Imagez Club matched it with this shot which even I was struggling to see where the match was lol
Buckingham had this one and got 3 marks for having two hands on a clock and we only got 1 mark for showing ours lol
But for the quality we were give 5 , Leighton 3 and Buckingham 4, so perhaps we went for a quality picture to get some marks.
The scores were added together and Buckingham had 7, Imagez 6 and Leighton not included in ‘matching’ as it was their image just had the 3
Next it was ImageZ’s turn to put a picture up
Leighton matched it with this and got a 3 for having people in it which only went down well with a third of the audience and boo’s from everywhere else lol
Whilst Buckingham got a 2 for something in the sky or was it Elephants in the room
Quality marks were Leighton 2, ImageZ 3 and Buckingham 3
Anyway, moving further into the evening after 7 sets of pictures Leighton put up this image
And we seem to be struggling with a match, added this.
Well it did have a yellow front to the train and in a field and despite trying to convince the judge we only got 1 for the match
Whilst Buckingham got slightly nearer to it with this and got a 3
As I had seen some of our pictures before in competition it became apparent how judge’s opinions varied. With the train shot having been given a 20 in a past competition by one judge it only got 2 in this for quality.
Which I hope won’t dilute my thoughts if I get my first twenty in the next weeks competition lol
In the next round we made our biggest mistake of the evening putting up this picture
as both the other two clubs easily matched it and got 5 despite protests of this bike being in the air
Coffee time and a social chat
In the second half
Buckingham on the right put up a fiery chilli pepper
Leighton on the left had a vegetable stall but no peppers on it lol.
We had a cook in the middle taking a break. I did mention it was chilly outside in the street but don’t think it got more than a laugh.
The robbery of the night for me was when Leighton added a pair of boots on the left, whilst we added the pair of boots in the middle and only got a 4 for the match along with Buckingham on the right getting the same score (oh i’m getting competitive again lol)
The final picture of the night a plane on the right was put up by Buckingham and we only had a car to match it and Leighton only had a picture that you might see on a table mat lol
It was a very enjoyable evening and was well received by the other two clubs and no doubt there will be a return match arranged.
The final scores were close at the bottom with
!st Leighton Buzzard 134 points
2nd Buckingham 129 points
3rd ImageZ 128 points
Thank you to Alan Copland the judge for the evening and taking all the flack lol
Next week
Club Challenge Round 4
Tuesday March 6, 2018 from 20:15 to 22:15
Set Subject (SOMETHING YOU’RE AFRAID OF) and Open sections – all PDI
The Judge for the evening is Cathal Gantly from Buckingham..