COMPETITION: Best of the Best
Tuesday May 11, 2021—Week 19
Attendees 28
This week’s competition was titled “Best of the Best” as it was all the images taken from our league challenges that scored nineteen or twenty marks over the last year.
The first round included images from the five themed rounds and there were thirty-seven images in total.
After a short break, the second round featured forty images that scored nineteen or twenty from the five Open rounds across the league.
The judge Micki Aston worked extremely hard to give a fair critique to all images, but did not score the images, just held back images she felt had impact, and showed good technical skills, in her words she was looking for images that were “stand alone good.”
Competition was very tough as there were excellent images to choose from. Eventually Micki picked thirteen images and had to whittle this down to ten in the themed round.
Afterwards the ten selected images were voted for by the whole club and the three images with highest scores won this round.
The three images were:
Last Light – Chris Andrews– First place
Half Full Half Empty –Kathy Chantler 2nd
Solitary Figure -Julia Cleaver 3rd
In the second “Open” round again Micki had to select ten from the fifteen images she had held back a task she found exceedingly difficult as she said they were an excellent panel of images.
The ten images were voted for by all the club members present and the final three with highest scores were chosen as follows:
Sea of Tranquility First place Kathy Chantler
Grey Heron Ready to Attack –Chenxi Ni.2nd
Fog –Peter Carter came 3rd
Finally, the two winning pictures
Last Light– Chris Andrews and
Sea of Tranquility -Kathy Chantler were voted for by all the club and the overall Winner was Kathy Chantler with Sea of Tranquility.
Big congratulations to Kathy who won the Open round “Best of the Best: but also came second in the Themed Round.
Also, congratulations to Chris, Chenxi, Peter, and Julia, for achieving places in the first three of each competition. Well done to everyone who had their images held back. Lastly Congratulations to everyone who entered for this competition as you had achieved a nineteen or twenty across the year.
Next week: Feel the Land – Photography & Emotion – Guest Speaker Astrid McGechan