Competition – ImageZ Challenge Trophy Round 2
23.11.21 Attendees 26
The second round of Imagez Challenge Trophy was very exciting last night.
We had thirty images entered for the first part of the evening with the theme ‘Alone’ and thirty- three images entered for the second part of the evening ‘Open’
Caroline Preece from Loughton Camera club joined us to judge the competition and worked very hard to give a very good critique to each image. He found positives in every image and then explained very clearly how she felt the image could be improved.
Within her critiques she talked about the symbolism within some images such as Alan Taberer’s lone apple on the tree symbolising perhaps the end of the season, the last to fall ,or the end of life.
She talked about scenery not competing with the focus of the image using the analogy of two Divas sharing a stage competing for the limelight. She mentioned creating a story and the title of an image helping to interpret the story. But she warned against putting a title on a picture to interpret it when the picture showed no other elements of the subject.
Another area Caroline discussed was to give the viewer a story with something to work at, which engages the viewer and makes them look longer at the image. This worked well with Derek’s winning image ‘The Haunted Room in Littlecote house.’
Caroline said when looking at our work we should think ‘what made me take this image and is it my focal point.’
Another point she made was that the more we add to a picture the more we dilute the impact. ‘Simplify’ was her message.
It was our first time of meeting Caroline and I hope we all feel she did a very good job.
Kathy showed us the entries for the Rosebowl at the end of the evening. The second round is on Tuesday December 7th. When we are hosting on zoom.
Carol asked that the Buffet choice sheets are returned to her by the December 1st.
The winners of Round One– Alone were as follows :
Solitary By Sue Brown 19
Last to Fall By Alan Taberer 20
No-one is there By Alan Taberer 20
Cupboard Under the Stairs By Kes Ward 20 Judges Favourite
Open Round :
Keep up Martha You are too Slow By Dawn Cave 19
The Last Post By Kathy Chantler 20
Autumn leaf Collage By Carol Haines 20
The Haunted Room in Littlecote House By Derek Green 20 Judges Favourite
Next Week
Intimate Landscapes
Tuesday November 30, 2021 from 20:15 to 22:15