Competition – Challenge Trophy #4
Movement and Open 29.3.22
Attendees 34
The fourth round of the Challenge trophy was very exciting with a large number of images held back in both rounds. After the fourth round with one more round to go the scores stand like this: Chenxi 155 in the lead. Close behind is Kes with 149 and Kathy with 148. Peter and David have 144 points and Chris has 143. Will Kes or Kathy find a final surge of energy and overtake Chenxi, will there be a photo finish for Kathy and Kes for second place?
Will David, Peter and Chris battle it out for third place or will one win by a nose on one of their portraits? All will be revealed soon.
The first round with the theme of Movement was interpreted in many different ways,
including Chilli’s bouncing in water, Darts passing through the air, a stream of motorway lights, a spinning bicycle wheel, a moving model, Storm Eunice swaying the trees, People riding the waves on surfboards, Swans gliding into the water and a Fun run of Santas.
Amanda Wright, our judge from Ealing, gave a positive critique on all individual images, offering praise on the finer points of the images and advice on how to correct areas she felt needed work. She eventually held back fourteen images. Many of these received scores of eighteen and nineteen and finally the following received scores of twenty.
Dancing Swan Chenxi Ni
Emma Chenxi Ni
Eyes on the ball Tami Nunley
Free Wheeling David Gibbs
Rushing Downwards Kathy Chantler ( Favourite)
The Open round was equally as exciting. A variety of images were entered, and Amanda continued with her encouraging critique, offering suggestions to improve areas she felt needed change. Incorrect depth of field was a common issue as well as loss of focal point and in some cases the sharpness had been lost in the photo.
All things we should work on as a club Kathy suggested in her final summing up.
Some lovely flowers were entered in this round including Barry’s Lily Bouquet, Mike’s Orchids, Peter’s image called Freshly cut, and Carol’s Daffodils.
Chris’s amazing Kite image, Kes’s image of the cloisters of a college lit by sunlight on one side, was called Passage into the Light, Mike Perry’s Church wall with great texture and Priest’s door and Brian’s wonderful image of two bluetits on a wire feeding both very wet. Finally, twelve images were held back and six were given eighteen and nineteen scores. The other six received a twenty score they were,
Eyes on you Chenxi Ni
Window and Curve John Timbrell
Passage into the light Kes Ward
Heading Home Kathy Chantler
Sugar candy Seedhead Tami Nunley
Bedraggled Bluetit feeding Young – Brian Worley. (Favourite)
Congratulations to all the people who were held back, but especially to the twenties.
Chris asked us to remember the It’s a Knockout Competition and enter five images by Sunday 3rd April
Next week ImageZ – It’s a Knockout
5/Apr @ 20:15 – 22:15
Good blog, and well written Carol