ImageZ Practical Night – Light Painting Indoors and Outdoors
40 Attendees 11.10.22
Last nights practical evening at Imagez was successful for a number of reasons. There were many members attending. Chris who lead the evening explained what we were hoping to achieve, how to achieve it very patiently and succinctly. He gave members the Iso, Shutter speed and F numbers to start with and explained that we needed to put the camera and lens on manual and then focus on the subject. Thirdly all members enjoyed themselves and new members learned new techniques, while other more experienced members just had fun.
Various light sources were available, including a long bar with coloured lights on it, a short toy light beam that changed colour quickly, a light sabre (minus Darth Vadar) with interchangeable colours and a long amber light.
Thanks to Tami we had a witch’s hat and cloak which we used to dress the models Tami and Carol in to stand in front of the light sources to give a focus to our photos and with the aid of a broomstick found in the cupboard, the images came to life.
Some members chose to go outside with their light sources and captured other Images shown below.
The evening was a particularly good introduction to light painting, and we thank Chris for all his hard work setting up the evening, guiding us all along, and being the person who supplied and moved with the light sources all evening.
Next week: Imagez Club Night – Guest Speaker – Long Exposure Fine Art Landscapes (Zoom Meeting)
Tuesday, October 18th @ 20:15 – 22:15
Location: Zoom virtual meeting