Club Challenge Round 3 – 13/Feb
There were slightly fewer entries than normal but the competition was still fierce with many high-quality images in both the themed round of Diversity and the Open section. Our judge, Rojer Weightman had a challenging time to separating out the good from the very good, struggling at times to find the appropriate vocabulary. Scores were given to each images and Rojer was tasked with allocating a judges choice to the winner of each section. The top scoring images are below; all images were given interesting critiques. Derek Green entertained us with his character created with Liquorice Allsorts and a few members had devised cheerful creations to fit the Diversity theme with coloured pencils.
The Open winner was Peter Carter with Barry Coxon in the theme. A special mention for Steve Gunn and Kes Ward who were bot harder 20s for their images.
This weeks blog was written by Kathy Chantler
NEXT WEEK is the AGM. This is an important meeting for the year AND you get to vote for next season’s themes. The committee has listed 10 challenging titles where you vote to select the final 6. There will also be some ‘market research’ on what evenings you have enjoyed, not enjoyed, would like more of etc.
After the business part, there will be cakes and a quiz so an evening not to be missed.
An good blog Kathy, with some interesting images, particularly in the Diversity section. I am sorry I could not make it to the meeting.