30th January 2024 – Post processing evening, or the “what can you do with this picture?” night.
The post processing event was well attended. 39 number of images were entered. The evening started with a short presentation of the original images that had been shared wit the members to try their processing skills on.
The images depicted a wide variety of subject matters ready for editing. Images featuring canals, boats, windmills, flowers, horses and bridges proved to be popular choices.
Results of the members post processing efforts
The contributors explained clearly and generously how and why they made their editorial choices. The authors used a variety of different software products and techniques with eye catching, impactful results. Cropping, creative colour manipulation and releasing whales into the Thames courtesy of Photoshop all featured during the evening. The audience was also treated to exciting black and white conversions, creative framing choices and various creative effects. In summary it was a very enjoyable evening which would inspired members to develop their editing skills.
Thanks to Martin Hommel for writing this weeks blog
Next week
Thanks for the write up. Thanks again to all that gave the challenge a go and hopefully everyone got a bit of inspiration as a result.
Thank you Martin, good blog that explains the evening perfectly.