14th January 2025

Sue Brown – Ceiling at York Cathedral
Tuesday evening was our Informal critique night when members can enter two images which will be offered a critique by two circuit Judges.
Kathy Chantler and Julia Cleaver are both members of our club, and have been judges for a number of years so they have lots of experience and knowledge.

Damon Mitchell – Seaweed
Forty-one entries were examined during the evening and an appraisal was given by both Kathy and Julia. After each image had been viewed and commented on the author of the image could speak up telling the audience a little about the image and asking questions on how to apply some of the recommendations.

Cathy Rose – Lets go fly a kite
Advice was given on general areas such as cropping, moving a subject out of a central position, thinning or adding keylines, and trying a mono version of a coloured image to look at a different impact. More detailed critique looked at shape and context, darkening down specific areas, looking at tones, depth of field and the content and atmosphere of an image. Positive comments were included on every image.

Martin Hommel – Glencoe Lochan
Some images needed little work.
The evening worked well and its always good to get advice on an image before putting it in to a competition.
Thank you to Kathy and Julia who worked extremely hard that evening.
Blog post written by Carol Haines
Next Week: Guest Speaker – Rosemary Wilman – The Way I See It
Tuesday, January 21st @ 20:15 – 22:15 – This meeting is on Zoom