On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of hearing from Peter Greenway, who gave us a fascinating insight into his role as a photographer for the National Trust. Despite being a volunteer, Peter’s position required him to undergo two interviews and a photographic portfolio assessment. He also receives regular training, covering privacy laws and there is …
28th January 2025 It was our third Winner on the Night Competition on Tuesday. Our Judge for the evening was Mark Buckley-Sharp. The first half of the evening the PDI’s were critiqued and some that were held back were eventually given a Commended or Highly commended score. Mark then selected a Third, Second, and First …
Zoom meeting 21/1/25 Our guest speaker last night was Rosemary Wilman Hon.FRPS. Rosemay explained in her introduction that she was going to show photography she has taken in the various locations and situations. She will explain why she chose the scenes and what she wanted from each image. Rosemary ran through ten images to show …
14th January 2025 Tuesday evening was our Informal critique night when members can enter two images which will be offered a critique by two circuit Judges. Kathy Chantler and Julia Cleaver are both members of our club, and have been judges for a number of years so they have lots of experience and knowledge. …
7th January 2025 On Tuesday we welcomed the New Year in with a session on Product Photography organised by Martin Hommel. It was lovely to see everyone again. Despite the very cold weather many members came along and bought in a various selection of Perfume, Jewellery, Shells, Make up, and Artefacts even a Pinocchio to …
17th December 2024 ImageZ held its traditional Christmas celebration with lots of food and fun. Our social sec – the wonderful Carol – had arranged a stunning buffet, and also organized some ‘challenging’ and fun games. We played Photography Bingo, where all photographic terminology had to be spotted, followed by a game with straws and …
Tuesday 10th December 2024 On Tuesday five stations were set up with laptops for five kind volunteer members to demonstrate techniques on different software. We could choose a station to visit and then move on after twenty -five minutes to the next one. Steve worked on High -Key and Low- key presentations and how to …
3rd December 2024. The second round of the Club Challenge brought together some fantastic entries across the two sections, Open and the theme Abstract. Our judge for the evening was Lloyd Moore who gave an insightful appraisal of the images presented. In the Abstract category, members showcased a wide range of creative interpretations, making it …