Jan5Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Informal Critique EveningSunday, January 5th
Deadline is 23:59
Get your two digital entries in that you would like to get critiqued by the clubs judges. Images entered for critiques can be used in competitions.
Jan19Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Winner on the Night #3Sunday, January 19th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter two images maximum.
The OPEN section is for prints
The theme for PDI images: Out of the Darkness
Feb9Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Club Challenge No.3Sunday, February 9th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter one PDI in the OPEN and one PDI in the THEME
Mar2Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Chiltern Hundred Members ExhibitionSunday, March 2nd
The CACC Chiltern Hundred Members Exhibition is a competition for phootgraphers who are members of one of the CACC clubs - ImageZ is one.
Each photographer can submit a single PDI of their choice, and the club will enter it for the member without making any further selections. This is an OPEN competition and images must be the normal competition size 1600 x 1200 pixels
More details are here: http://thecacc.org.uk/events/chilterns-hundred/
Previous years results can be seen here: http://thecacc.org.uk/events/chilterns-hundred/chilterns-hundred-results/ -
Mar2Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Winner on the Night #4Sunday, March 2nd
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter two images maximum, they can be either PDI or PRINT or one of each. This is an OPEN competition, your entry can be any subject you like.
Mar16Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Club Challenge No.4Sunday, March 16th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter one PRINT in the OPEN and one PDI in the THEME
Apr6Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - CACC Phone Photography CompetitionSunday, April 6th
The CACC Phone Photography Competition is a competition for photographers who are members of one of the CACC clubs - ImageZ is one.
Each photographer can submit a single PDI of their choice, and the club will enter it for the member without making any further selections. The original photo must have been captured with a mobile phone. Editing and post processing with a computer is permitted. This is an OPEN competition and images must be the normal competition size 1600 x 1200 pixels
More details are here: http://thecacc.org.uk/events/phonephotography/
Previous years results can be seen here: http://thecacc.org.uk/events/phonephotography/phonephotography-results/
Apr13Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Club Challenge No.5Sunday, April 13th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter one PDI in the OPEN and one PDI in the THEME