14th January 2025 Tuesday evening was our Informal critique night when members can enter two images which will be offered a critique by two circuit Judges. Kathy Chantler and Julia Cleaver are both members of our club, and have been judges for a number of years so they have lots of experience and knowledge. …
Tuesday 19th November We had a workshop on Tuesday run by Kathy and Julia, two members of ImageZ who are also Judges. The aims of the evening were to briefly re-visit the factors involved in assessing images and to help us improve the critique of our own work to improve our photography for the process …
There was a good turn out for our meeting on a cold November night. Julia Cleaver and Kathy Chantler, both judges themselves, hosted a very interesting and thought provoking evening and gave us an educational and practical taster on “ How to think like a Judge”. To get us started, Kathy recapped on her earlier …
Thinking Like a Judge With Kathy Chantler and Julia Cleaver Attendees forty. Our recent club meeting featured Kathy Chantler and Julia Cleaver presenting a workshop on ‘Thinking like a Judge’. Kathy began by giving the members a question-and-answer session on what we thought Judges looked for in an image, and how to break down an …
Judges Blog… 6 Happy New Year to all my readers. So here is it my first of 2015. It has been a very interesting few weeks on the club & judging circuit
Judges Blog… 5 Based on my previous blogs, I would hope that you are now amassing a pretty good outline of what is like to take on the privileged role of judging. In previous blogs I have given you the perspective of my experiences what I want to do here is turn the tables slightly …
Judges Blog… 4 As a judge you are in some respects acting as not only an ambassador for the CACC but also the club you represent. In this regard there are a number of critical key points to remember before visiting other clubs
Judges Blog… 3 I was recently asked to stand in to judge a PDI competition for a club that I had not previously visited.