Chiltern Images Rules
- Fixed entry fee £5 per author for up to 3 prints.
- Prints must be MOUNTED. The maximum mount size is 40cm x 50cm and the minimum mount size is 30cm x 40cm. The mount can be any format within the size limit.(square, landscape or portrait)
- The backing board is strongly recommended for print protection purposes.
- Both single and double mount are allowed, please do not make the front board of your print thicker than double layers.
- Mark each print CLEARLY with author, title and club on the reverse side.
- Entries used in the previous Chiltern Images events cannot be re-used.
- Prints may be commercially processed and mounted.
- Every effort will be made to avoid damage or loss but prints are entered at the owner’s risk.
- All entries MUST be made online and the digital versions of prints (within 1600 x 1200 pixels) must be submitted via the online competition entry system by 19th April 2020.
- Entry fee can be paid by cash or cheque payable to ImageZ Camera Club. The payment MUST be delivered together with the prints by 19th April 2020
- Prints MUST be delivered by 19th April 2020to one of the delivery addresses. (Please send emails to for alternative delivery options)
- The exhibition is open theme and the images will be selected on 26th April 2020.
- Each entrant is guaranteed to have at least one print selected (maximum 3 prints).
- “Commended” and “highly commended” will be awarded.
- The judge will choose 4 best prints from 4 categories which are SCAPE, PEOPLE, CREATIVE and NATURE. These categories only apply to the best print awards, and the judge reserves the right to decide which category a print belongs to. (Entrants do NOT need to specify the categories of the their entry prints)
- The prints will be selected by the judge on 26th April 2020.
- After the selection, commentary will be given for each selected print.The commentary event is open to CACC members from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at ImageZ Camera Club on 26th April 2020.
- All selected prints will be exhibited at Queens Park Art Centre from 12th May to 23rd May 2020.
- All the entrants will be noticed once their prints are ready for collection after the exhibition.