Current program of events and activities
The camera club runs a winter and summer program of events, and activities. Our winter season starts on the second Tuesday in September and runs to the end of the following May. During the months of June, July and August we take the time to get out and enjoy photography in the local environment.
ImageZ Camera Club Program
Feb18Tue2025Imagez Club Challenge Round 3Tuesday, February 18th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Third round of the Imagez Club Challenge 2024-2025.
Two images per author - Theme category is "Power" and an Open category. This round is PDI (projected images only).
Judge for this round is Colin Mill.Rules for entry are here - Competition entry - ImageZ (
Feb25Tue2025AGMTuesday, February 25th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW
Mar2Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Chiltern Hundred Members ExhibitionSunday, March 2nd
The CACC Chiltern Hundred Members Exhibition is a competition for phootgraphers who are members of one of the CACC clubs - ImageZ is one.
Each photographer can submit a single PDI of their choice, and the club will enter it for the member without making any further selections. This is an OPEN competition and images must be the normal competition size 1600 x 1200 pixels
More details are here:
Previous years results can be seen here:
Mar2Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Winner on the Night #4Sunday, March 2ndDEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter two images maximum, they can be either PDI or PRINT or one of each. This is an OPEN competition, your entry can be any subject you like.
Mar4Tue2025Imagez Club Night - tbcTuesday, March 4th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Mar11Tue2025Winner on the Night Competition 4Tuesday, March 11th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
The fourth winner on the night competition for this season. Images (maximum 2 per author) will need to be submitted in advance through the club competition entry system.
There is no theme, this is an Open competition for PDI (digital) images, no prints.
Rules for entry are here - Competition entry - ImageZ (
Mar16Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Club Challenge No.4Sunday, March 16th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter one PRINT in the OPEN and one PDI in the THEME
Mar18Tue2025Imagez Club Night - Paris Olympics 2024Tuesday, March 18th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Club member Neil Tingle will follow up his previous presentation, a retrospective of major sporting events he's been part of the photographic team for. This time round Neil will be solely concentrating on last summers Paris Olympics.
Mar23Sun2025CACC Championship DaySunday, March 23rd @ 11:00 - 17:30Location: Amersham Community Centre, Chiltern Ave, Amersham HP6 5AH, UK
There will be three separate competitions shown at this event.
- Chilterns Hundred Members Exhibition
- Inter Club Championship – Prints
- Inter Club Championship – Projected
Mar25Tue2025Imagez Club Challenge Round 4Tuesday, March 25th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Fourth round of the Imagez Club Challenge 2024-2025.
Two images per author - Theme category is "Solitude" and an Open category. The themed category is PDI (projected images), the Open category is Print only.
Rules for entry are here - Competition entry - ImageZ (
Apr1Tue2025Imagez Club Night - tbcTuesday, April 1st @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Apr6Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - CACC Phone Photography CompetitionSunday, April 6th
The CACC Phone Photography Competition is a competition for photographers who are members of one of the CACC clubs - ImageZ is one.
Each photographer can submit a single PDI of their choice, and the club will enter it for the member without making any further selections. The original photo must have been captured with a mobile phone. Editing and post processing with a computer is permitted. This is an OPEN competition and images must be the normal competition size 1600 x 1200 pixels
More details are here:
Previous years results can be seen here:
Apr8Tue2025Imagez Location ChallengeTuesday, April 8th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
A now annual favorite. In March we will reveal the location of this year's location challenge. You will then have some time to visit and shoot photos in this location. Photos most be taken specifically for this challenge (i.e. most be taken after the location is revealed).
There will be four themes, you will need to pick three of the four and submit one photo per theme (so three photos in total) via the club competition software.
On the 8th April images will be reviewed and scored and an overall winner determined.
Apr13Sun2025ENTRY DEADLINE - Club Challenge No.5Sunday, April 13th
DEADLINE is 23:59.
You can enter one PDI in the OPEN and one PDI in the THEME
Apr22Tue2025Imagez Club Challenge Round 5Tuesday, April 22nd @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Fifth round of the Imagez Club Challenge 2024-2025.
Two images per author - Theme category is "Weather" and an Open category. This round is PDI (projected images only).
Rules for entry are here - Competition entry - ImageZ (
Apr29Tue2025Guest Speaker - Theatre Photography - From the Edinburgh Fringe to Sunset Boulevard by Cat HumphriesTuesday, April 29th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Cat will take us from from documenting young performers at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the 1990s to shooting vintage Hollywood portraits for Sunset Boulevard in 2019 in this talk. A trip through her adventures in theatre photography. Including the equipment used and images from publicity shoots, rehearsals and performances.
May13Tue2025Best of the BestTuesday, May 13th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
Bringing together the very best photography from the internal competitions throughout this season, we will determine the best images of the year.
May20Tue2025End of Year Presentations and CelebrationsTuesday, May 20th @ 20:15 - 22:15Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW, UK
If you’d prefer to look back at the previous programs then please click here to view the programme archive