What is a plugin? At the recent winners review night several of the folks who kindly told the stories of their pictures mentioned plugins. I’m pretty sure that there are people out there who wonder what on earth a plugin is? A while back when photo manipulation software was still supplied on floppy disks there was …
Hundred of pounds worth of free Photoshop giveaways from Adobe. Well sort of. This link has been floating around the internet http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html and at first glimpse looks like a late Christmas present for the masses. What has happened is this. Adobe have decided that the activation servers for CS2, which support legitimate copies, are going …
At the moment Adobe has a special offer on Lightroom 3, it’s half the normal retail price if you buy from the Adobe website. Whilst Lightroom 4 has just been released as a free Beta for anyone to try you might want to snap up a bargain on Lightroom 3 and get an inexpensive upgrade …