Full details on the Craft & Vision website for the e-book as a standalone item or the Essential Development Package with the e-book and 85 Lightroom presets. If while you are browsing the Craft & Vision store you decide to buy 5 or more e-books then use the code DEVELOP20 and you get 20% off the …
You might have heard of time-lapse photography where a scene is captured as a set of still images and then combined to make a movie that speeds up time. So take that thought then what if you captured the images for the time-lapse as HDR images – beloved by some, despised by others. This is …
Landscapes, tripods and heads… Back in January this year Imagez had a guest speaker discussing landscape photography… Chris Palmer. Amongst many other topics he waxed lyrical about his choice of tripod head, namely a Manfrotto 222. HIs main point was that by simply squeezing the lever the camera became free to move, quickly and easily, …
I willing to bet there’s a few folks who looked out of their window yesterday and decided to leave the camera in the bag and go watch Eastenders, well you missed out on the opportunity to try your skills in less than ideal landscape conditions. But you also missed out on the chance to see …
On 24/Jan David Newton gave a talk to the club about his approach to landscape photography. There was a great selection of images and many tips for the members to take in, a few points are listed below. Landscape images don’t have to be landscape format, vertical landscapes are equally important. If shooting for magazines then …