You may recall that big sporting event in the capital this summer, the one with lots of athletes and almost as many professional photographers? So you’re a top professional photographer and need to cover the Olympics? What do you do – call in the favours from the big brands and beg… borrow… ‘acquire’… the biggest …
With digital cameras allowing photographer to shoot freely often the toughest job is to be selective when shooting and editing. We’ve all got hard disks full of images that in reality will never see the light of day, the ability to self-edit is a skill that takes a long time to learn. The picture you …
World Press Photo awards have announced their winning pictures Samuel Aranda from Spain has picked up the top prize, but I think with the range of categories covered in the awards there is something of interest for all kinds of photographers. Some of the topics covered are hard hitting, but the work of these photojournalists …