John has been an active photographer since acquiring his first camera more than 40 years ago. Then at university his future wife, having access to a darkroom for a biology research project introduced him to the delights of developing and printing. His background in chemistry meant he was instantly hooked and started doing developing and printing of black and white photographs. For colour he used colour transparency film.
However, within the last few years he switched from film to digital photography because of the quality of the digital prints now possible which he feels surpasses those produced traditionally from the 35mm format. He has always had a special fondness for black and white photographs as they convey different messages and moods to colour. Black and white isolates the textures, key elements and composition of the picture and emphasises the importance of light. However, digital photography has increased the creative possibilities of colour and has revitalised his enthusiasm for colour photography even though he only does minimal postproduction alteration of images.
He doesn’t specialise in any particular type of photography but photographs what appeals to him, especially reflections, patterns, textures, shadows and small details. He likes to produce photographs which show an unexpected angle or viewpoint or a part of a whole so it is not immediately apparent what it is.
He has had photographs published in the Photography Year book and other photography books and been shortlisted in the Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. He exhibited as part of Bucks Open Studios in 2010 and 2011, in the Wooburn Summer exhibition in 2010 and 2011, at the Rudolph Steiner School Art Fair in 2011 and currently has some photographs on display at the Art at 88 gallery in Berkhamsted.
He uses a Pentax DSLR and a Lumix GF1.