Hi Folks,
Photographer and author Matt Emmett came along to ImageZ to present his talk ‘Forgotten Heritage’. Emmett said, his father had given him his first camera for his 19th birthday and taught him the fundamentals.
Matt has been developing and learning ever since – a hobby for life! He travelled all over the world in his youth taking photographs, but the travelling more or less ceased with marriage and kids which, for a while, became the subjects of his photography.
In 2012 he helped a friend on the use of a camera which lead to visiting an abandoned place in Fleet. Matt was wary but, on looking it up, it appeared to portray a scene from a sci-fi film set and this was soon followed up by similar projects; he was addicted!
Other images shown were of abandoned houses,
a mental hospital with patient records scattered on the floor,
turbines, power stations and vast underground complexes – one of these had labyrinths that ran for 75 miles so markers were needed to find the way back.
Matt entertained us with the story of an underground cavern beneath a lake where he had to secretly load his camera equipment into a dingy in the early hours of the morning to reach the entrance on a small island!
He went on to tell us a tale encountered in an abandoned mental hospital which sent shivers down his spine when he heard a small bell tinging behind him – no one there. He heard it again – and left quickly.
Back in his car, ‘the bell’ turned out to be a new ‘alarm’ on his mobile phone!
Matt’s book on his exploits, ‘Forgotten Heritage’, is available on Amazon and elsewhere – well worth the investment. We hope to invite him back to ImageZ in the future.
Next week is
Your Abstract Imagery
Tuesday March 10, 2020 from 20:15 to 22:15
A chance to show what you’ve created as a follow up to the evening describing abstract approaches, ideas and techniques earlier in February.