This week’s online Club gathering was a first. The program for the evening was to select the Best of the Best images from the season’s Open entries, scoring 18 or more points. There was a total of 56 selected images for the Judge to assess. This was, for sure, going to be a tough evening on the images and not least for the Judge, assessing images that were by their nature, high quality images. It was a brave move to take on this task, and Martin Patten kindly agreed to work his way through the 56-images. Our heartfelt thanks to Martin.
In his opening comments Martin underlined the challenge in assessing the images, noting that it was taken as read that all images would be technically proficient. He would look beyond technical issues to the compositional form and content in the images. Martin also commented he was looking forward to the evening and that it was a pleasure to judge the Best of the Best.
Martin was tasked with selecting the Best Image, two Highly Commended and, three Commended. On the evening he also asked to be allowed a fourth Commended. In time honoured fashion, working in reverse order, the Commended Images were:
- The Face – Peter Carter
- Cracked Actress – Nick Bennett
- Lilly Curves – David Jones
- Empty Stairway – John Timbrell
The two Highly Commended Images included:
- Sparkler Bulb – David Gibbs
- I’m Always Watching – Brian Worley
And finally to the Best of the Best Image, which was awarded to:
- Vulnerable – Steve Beckett
A hearty well done to everyone participating in the evening and, congratulations to the awarded authors.
Next week, 19 May, we have Glyn Dewis as Guest Speaker, which will again be an online evening using Zoom. The following week, 26 May, is the last Club evening of the season at which Mike Perry will provide details of the Summer Program; please also watch the Club website for content on the Summer Program.
Mike Perry