Hi Folks,
Last night it was ‘match an image’ competition which was run as an internal event with our club members being divided into three teams. Each member had brought along five images to use. Kathy, Dave and Chris worked the screens.
Our judge for the evening was John Credland.
I was nominated to be scorer so did not get a lot of detail written down (in fact none) lol
The first team in this competition had to display a picture and the other two teams had to match it the best they could with one of their images available. However once the image had been used it could not be used again. So as the evening went on it would become harder to find a match.
Points out of five were awarded for a match and up to five marks for quality of the photograph.
The team putting up the picture would automatically get 5 points for matching itself and this would obviously even itself out at the end of each round.
Team (1) on the left was first to put up a picture of a beach with blue sky
Team (2) in the middle had a wave scene but then John said the waves were not quite sharp but it may be the projector
Team (3) on the right also had a beach scene but the projector was displaying more yellow than it should have been.
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 8 marks
Team (2) got 2 for quality, 2 for a match, so a total of 4 marks
Team (3) got 3 for quality, 3 for a match, so a total of 6 marks
The next was
Team (2) in the middle to put a picture up, a scene of the London Eye
This was matched by Team (1) on the left who had a series of bubbles in the same colours as the London eye
Team (3) had a building lit at the top
Team (1) got 4 for quality, 3 for a match, so a total of 7 marks, accumulative 15
Team (2) got 5 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 10 marks, accumulative 14
Team (3) got 3 for quality, 2 for a match, so a total of 5 marks, accumulative 11
Team (3) displayed a skull
Team (1) matched it with a model, well she did have a skull inside lol
Team (2) a stick insect John was struggling to see a match
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 19
Team (2) got 4 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 5 marks, accumulative 19
Team (3) got 3 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 8 marks, accumulative 19
So round 2
Team (1) displayed a lady wearing a hat in monochrome
Team (2) had a set of accessories but John could not make up his mind if they were all female pieces with a bow tie that James Bond might wear.
Team (3) had a snow person with either head muffs or ear phones. The sort of shot most photographers would pass by but good in this sort of competition said John
Team (1) got 4 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 28
Team (2) got 4 for quality, 3 for a match, so a total of 7 marks, accumulative 26
Team (3) got 3 for quality, 2 for a match, so a total of 5 marks, accumulative 24
Team (2) displayed three aircraft in flight
Team (1) an airman model which was in the theme but did not have an aircraft in flight said John
Team (3) had a helicopter in flight but was not British said John so will lose a mark lol
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 2 for a match, so a total of 5 marks, accumulative 33
Team (2) got 4 for quality, 5 for matching itself , so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 35
Team (3) got 4 for quality, 4 for a match, so a total of 8 marks, accumulative 32
Team (3) Displayed some coloured spoons with what John thought may be smarties
Team (1) matched it with some water fountains
Team (2) had a sphere of red lights and a black background
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 37
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 3 for a match , so a total of 6 marks, accumulative 41
Team (3) got 4 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 41
So all very close and it was coffee time
So again we were off with Team (1)
Team (1) displayed a model leaning against a yellow bench
Team (2) matched it with an aircraft steward wearing yellow and leaning against a plane
Team (3) decided to commit Hari kiri by displaying my chicken dinner lol
Team (1) got 4 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 46
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 4 for a match , so a total of 7 marks, accumulative 48
Team (3) got 1 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 2 marks, accumulative 43
Team (2) was to display but in all the excitement of my chicken dinner turning into a Judges road kill I forgot to take the photograph
but the result was
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 50
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 5 for matching itself , so a total of 8 marks, accumulative 56
Team (3) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 47
Team (3) displayed a ghoulish lady dressed as the joker
Team (1) matched it with a lady leaning against a wall it had a nice depth of field but John would have like the bridge at the back to be more faded
Team (2) matched it with a wedding lol
Team (1) got 4 for quality, 3 for a match, so a total of 7 marks, accumulative 57
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match , so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 60
Team (3) got 5 for quality, 5 for matching itself , so a total of 10 marks, accumulative 57
Team (1) displayed two glasses of beer but John was not keen on the road cones at the back
Team (2) matched it with a pair of boots claiming two glasses on the table at the back lol
Team (3) had a barge with nice reflections
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 8 marks, accumulative 65
Team (2) got 2 for quality, 1 for a match , so a total of 3 marks, accumulative 63
Team (3) got 2 for quality, 1 for a match , so a total of 3 marks, accumulative 60
Team (2) displayed a scene from the underground
Team (1) matched it with two trams
Team (3) matched it with two trains
Team (1) got 4 for quality, 5 for a match, so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 74
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 5 for matching itself, so a total of 8 marks, accumulative 71
Team (3) got 4 for quality, 5 for a match , so a total of 9 marks, accumulative 69
Last images
Team (3) displayed a tractor John liked the atmosphere that had been created
Team (1) matched it with a field and blue sky
Team (2) matched it with a line of trees
Team (1) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 78
Team (2) got 3 for quality, 1 for a match, so a total of 4 marks, accumulative 75
Team (3) got 5 for quality, 5 for matching itself , so a total of 10 marks, accumulative 79
So all very close and a good social evening
Next week
Club Challenge Round 5
Tuesday May 1, 2018 from 20:15 to 22:15
Set Subject (REFRESHING) and Open sections
Judge: Peter Greenway from Kidlington