Last nights event at Imagez was titled ‘Shooting with water’. My Grandson would have a different idea of shooting with water, but this is going to be about our version!
As our regular blogger Derek was away, I ‘volunteered’ to write in his place! My blog won’t be as in depth, but hopefully will portray the evening.
About half a dozen tables were set up round the hall with various props.
The more experienced photographers were on hand to advise and help with camera settings. And most importantly, time the dropping of the objects into the liquid! It was an evening of numbers, working out the exposure triangle … So, shooting in manual mode, the aperture, shutter speed and ISO numbers. And the all important 1,2,3, DROP! Then, wait for the reactions of the photographers, either a big Yesssss! Or a laugh at the completely missed shot! It gets very addictive to keep aiming for the ‘perfect’ crown splash.
The first table I visited was a fish tank half filled with water and the idea was to capture the strawberry just as it hit the water…………
And one of the successes …………..
There were clear bowls of water placed over coloured paper, a small amount of oil was added to create intriguing patterns……..
Cameras at all sorts of angles…….
A very popular table was the lemon hitting the ‘Gin and tonic’! But in this instance …. Water.
Took this slightly over enthusiastic splash with my phone camera…..
There was another table with a wine glass sat on black glass, surrounded by a black backdrop where photographers could play with light reflecting off the glass. A table with drips of water hitting a mirror, to capture that splash was particularly challenging! And another with a sheet of glass placed on food tins, a flat bowl of water and oil on top of the glass, and underneath coloured paper and, in this case, Smarties, the idea was to get a refracted picture through the oil drops.
The whole evening was a lot of fun and could be titled ‘ LEARNING THROUGH PLAY’!