Another enjoyable coffee morning meet up via zoom on Tuesday morning. The first half was taken up with social chit chat, good to find out how everyone was doing, and what they were doing. Lovely to have Valerie join us from France, and we could hear how things were going over there in these Covid times.
The second half was taken up with the scheduled ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) discussion and sharing of photos. We laughed at how as photographers it’s ingrained into us to keep the camera still, yet here we were moving our cameras intentionally. We watched a short video giving tips on how to go about it. It was interesting to find out the various different settings and methods used, and even some fairly abstract images that were rescued by using the ‘shadows’ slider.
ICM can be very random, and interesting to see what you’ve captured, but it’s certainly fun to go and play with your camera.
Images from Tami Nunley
Images from David Gibbs
Images from Sarah Jennings
Images from Carol Haines