Dave Gibbs has been doing a bit of macro work and has developed a handy little gadget from a Pringle’s tube to guide light down to the object being photographed. The lid works as a defuser and Dave has made a neat job of it using black gaffer tape to finish it off.
Mike Ward went to Haddenham and in conversation with a local he found a secret lake to photograph. He spotted a Kingfisher there but it was too quick to photograph. The photographs of the lake are below.
Chris talked of visiting Eythrope Road where there is parking available under some trees to do a nice walk.
Kathy then did a talk on macro photography where she displayed some lovely pictures of dandelions sprayed with water to get images in the droplets.
It is hoped the camera club can arrange an evening out soon, so as members could see one another again where we all look much younger than on the Zoom screen. Obviously members would need to use their own cars but parking anywhere these days is a big problem at any beauty spots.
Lawrence is going to try and arrange an evening at Marsworth for those interested. He will send an email out to members once it has all been decided.