Challenge Cup #3 (Monochrome & OPEN)
Tuesday February 7, 2023, from 20:15 to 22:15
Attendees 39
The ImageZ third round of the Challenge Cup took place last night on zoom.
The Themed round which was ‘Monochrome’ had fifty- two entries and the Open round had thirty-three entries, totalling a rather stunning eighty- five images.
The Judge Colin Southgate from the Harpenden Photographic Society was welcomed by David Gibbs.
Colin began by praising an abstract image titled ‘Inside Tate Gallery’ by John Timbrell, and then held back two images ‘Elephant Rock’ by Kes Ward and ‘Curiosity’ by Steve Beckett.
There was a very high standard of images and Colin was very positive with his comments talking about the ‘quality of luminosity’ in The Old Railway Carriage, ‘masses of detail’ in “The Market Trader “and “lots of lovely detail here, well illuminated and good composition” in The Escape Route.
Colin referred to some images as grab shots saying that there was no disrespect in this comment in fact he likened this type of shot to Cartier- Bresson’s work.
Eight images were held back and these are following results:
Curiosity 19 Steve Beckett
The Market Trader 19 Nicholas Razey
Thur Dyke Drainage Mill 19 Barry Coxon
Warts and All 19 Steve Allsop
Elephant Rock 20 Kes Ward
Strider 20 Steve Beckett
Man With Two Hats 20 Alun Morgan
May day in Oxford 20 Alun Morgan Judges Favourite
Congratulations to all especially Alun Morgan who had two twenties one being the Judges Favourite.
The Open Round continued featuring a mix of images including landscapes, ‘Glacial Flows ‘described as “a beautiful landscape with a chilly feel,” Street images ‘Piccadilly Bus Stop’, some Wildlife images ‘Badger’ described as having a “tactile quality”, two deer images a beautiful ‘Flamingo’ and some beautiful local historic images of ‘Snow at Stowe’ and ‘St Marys Church’, Aylesbury. Again, a very high standard of work.
Colin held back six images, which were as follows:
Glacial Flows 19 Chris Andrews
Splashing Out 20 Steve Allsop
Flamingo 20 Chenxi Ni
Trepidation 20 Steve Beckett.
Clean Bowled –Middle Pin and Bats Go 20 David Gibbs
Old and Discarded 20 Barry Coxon Judges Favourite
Well done to all those worthy winners especially Barry who won the ‘Judges Favourite Award.’
Kathy thanked Colin saying he had a marathon evening judging so many images and his comments were measured, understandable, informative and spoken at a good pace.
Next Week: The Annual General meeting. This meeting is in the Weston Turville Hall.
Written by Carol Haines