Hi Folks, Presentation Night 24th May 2016 Well what a night last night with over thirty of our club members attending the presentation night and dinner at the Five Bells. For some members there was a lot at stake With the club’s main trophy said by some to have been found under a hedge by …
Hi Folks, Annual General Meeting Tuesday 17th May Well I think there were official minutes of this meeting being taken which leaves me to carry on blogging on the evening in my usual way but I have grouped together some of the subject matter raised. Aussie Allen our chairman said the club has had a …
Hi Folks, Final Competition night with an Open Category for Prints Tuesday 10th May Well last night was the ‘winner on the night’ prints competition and there was a good attendance dispelling the rumours that my blogs were saving people from turning up lol. From a personal point of view, I had spent the last …
Hi Folks, Photo images that have done well in competitions over the season Tuesday 3rd May On Tuesday night it was an evening where members could talk about their winning photographs and enlighten us all on how they were achieved. I managed to locate some of the photographs which helps when trying to describe photographs …