Sunday 3rd December was the BIG DAY for judging of the Chiltern ImageZ print competition.
Individuals from many clubs in the area had entered and our judge was Paul Mitchell FRPS. Paul had the daunting task of sifting through and selecting from more than 150 entries. Every entrant had one, and often two, prints selected for display in the exhibition and it was from these that Paul made his final choice for 1st, 2nd and 3rd plus some Commended and Highly Commended. The standard of entries was incredibly high this year and nobody envied the judge’s job!
1st, 2nd, & 3rd places
1st place – Felicity Holden
2nd place – Rob Friel
3rd place – Colin Mill
Highly commended awarded to…
Viv Blewett, Gillian Morgan, Chenxi Ni, John Jennings, Carrie Eva, Steve Beckett
Commended award to…
Ray Higginbottom, Steve Meekins, John Timbrell, Bill Cooper, Peter Silver, David Harris, David Manning
There was a large audience for the evening when Paul gave constructive comments on every entry selected for the exhibition – it was a thoroughly enjoyable, interesting and worthwhile event
ImageZ did well with certificates awarded to John Timbrell (C), Steve Beckett (HC) and Chenxi Ni (HC).
The Chiltern Images Exhibition will be at the Queen’s Park Centre in Aylesbury from 23rd January 2018 for two weeks. Don’t miss it!