Members of ImageZ met through zoom on Tuesday to discuss some of their summer projects, share photographs and catch up with any new and exciting pieces of equipment that have been purchased or tried.
Derek told the group about the Country File Calendar competition this year which is titled “Living Landscape” and some of the members thought they would enter.
David Gibbs spoke about his project on garden birds, which he started during lockdown. He found by putting the tripod and camera in his garden he has been able to capture some amazing shots of Sparrows, Ring-necked Doves, Dunnocks and his favorite the Starling (see below). He was fascinated by the iridescent colours that show up when the sunlight catches their feathers. Everyone enjoyed his images
Next Derek told us that he had read in the Bucks Herald that during the HS2 project near Wellwick Farm near Wendover, archaeologists had discovered a skeleton of an Iron Age man with his hands bound behind him, in a ditch. Theories have been put forward of perhaps execution or murder.
They had also discovered a large wooden ceremonial structure, dating back 4000 years in the same area.
Derek was interested in this and went off to take a look at the site. He was not able to see the archeological finds unfortunately but was able to chat to some of the workers about them and to see how the project was progressing. In his image below he shows some of the clearance that has happened already.
I came next and shared some images of tree bark that I have been taking during my walks through Linslade Woods, near Leighton Buzzard, and Long Spinney Nature reserve in Wing.
My favorite and the image below I called zebra crossing is the bark of a fallen Silver Birch Tree. I also had images of green lichen filled bark, a deep red bark with black cracked outer bark which resembled embers on the fire and a tree with knarled cut out shapes that looked like an eye with long lashes.
Chris Andrews has been working on Macro shots mainly again in his garden, due to heavy work and study commitment…
He captured a number of beautiful butterflies on the Buddleia, taking different angles to bring something new and interesting to his macro images as you can see below.
Mike Perry had been cycling to different locations and showed some lovely photos of wild flowers in Aston Abbott’s churchyard. He had also visited College Lake and caught a wonderful image of many black hairy Caterpillars on a plant. The picture did resemble a large spider. See his image below. Sarah was able to tell him they were peacock butterfly caterpillars.
Lastly Laurence had been out on location in Stock grove Park and along the Aylesbury arm of the Grand Union Canal. He photographed the ducks (below) which he has called Sunday Sunbathing. He also showed a Heron, trees and a wonderful picture of Coombe Hill when the snow laid and trees were frosty taken last year. It was a very enjoyable evening and we zoom again on Tuesday July 28th at 7.30.
Carol Haines