Annual General Meeting 23/2/2021
Week 8 — 30 Attendees
The evening began with a summary given by Kathy (Chairwoman)
of the previous year March 20-21. As Kathy pointed out who could have predicted the type of year this would be with COVID-19
Many things have changed. Zoom has become a most important piece of software for all and has enabled our camera club to keep going along with many others. As Kathy joked the phrase of the year became “You’re on Mute.”
The club became a lifeline to many members, giving us a point of focus (literally) in lockdown and a way to speak to each other, and continue competitions.
Kathy congratulated everyone in the club for pulling together, to make things work
smoothly. Competitions have been well attended and the standard of photography still high despite the COVID-19 limitations. Creativity has been at its best. She went on to discuss the coming year and outlined some events coming up. These can be seen in the Members area.
Becca James treasurer fed back financial details and then we passed on to Chris Andrews (Programme Manager). The benefits of zoom he explained have been his ability to invite speakers from all over the country and this has been a big bonus. We have had some incredible evenings. ‘USA and Tuscany’
a presentation from John Gravatt (Landscape Photographer,)
Chris Upton with his moving photography and story of ‘Thoresby, The End of The Mine,’ a fun evening with Guest Speaker Jeanette Lendon presenting Smartphone photography – ‘More than just a camera on a phone’– and recently Kieran Metcalf with his presentation ‘Chasing the Light’, accompanied by his wonderful images of the Peak District, to name but a few.
A big thank you went to Chris for such an interesting and varied programme
Thanks went to Chenxi for organising all competitions well and for his improvement and overseeing of the website. The website now has a Members area. Brian also received thanks for his wizard problem solving skills with technology.
Derek and Carol were thanked for the writing of the weekly Blogs and Carol was thanked for organising Christmas quizzes.
A big thanks went to David Gibbs for his organisation and running of the new ‘Coffee and Chat’ mornings on Thursdays which have been a great success and a vehicle for some workshops and teaching. Finally, thanks to Mike Perry for organising the Summer Project across June to September.
There is much to look forward to in the coming year and some details were outlined briefly for the Summer programme and a possible return to the club house when permitted. A more detailed account is available in the members area if required.
Next Week Tabletop/Still Life Photography – Online “Practical”