You be the Judge –
Tuesday November 2, 2021
Attendees 20
It was a fun evening with a serious message in the hall on Tuesday evening. The club members who attended were split into groups and were asked to view fifteen images and to put them into order from most popular images to least popular images. When assessing each image, each group had to look at things such as technical ability, did the image tell a story, composition, correct depth of field, or did the image raise an emotion in the viewer. As a group we had to discuss afterwards why we liked a particular image and why we felt one was weak. The point of the evening was summed up by Kathy in her accompanying email to the club members. They were as follows:
1 to appreciate the factors involved in assessing images
2 to gain knowledge on how to assess one’s own images
3 to see things from ‘another point of view’
4 to gain greater understanding of club competitions
5 to improve personal photography
Both Kathy and Alan talked to us about how to assess our own images, how to listen to the critique from a judge and treat it as mentoring taking the advice and using it to improve our pictures and consider when taking our next pictures.
Kathy discussed areas to cover when assessing our own images such as: Initial impact, Feelings, Focus, and Camera Position.
Alan talked about approaching photography by looking at other peoples work and going to photography exhibitions and art galleries and thinking about what really strikes you. This will help us to have ideas about our own work. He said follow your heart and take photos for yourself not just to put in competitions. He talked about things to consider when taking a photograph
Composition -First impressions, Story Subject Is it clear
Mood -What mood is conveyed in the picture is it Calm, or agitated, disturbing, sad or happy.
Can the viewer feel part of the scene.?
What techniques have been applied Texture, Light Shade etc.
Individuality What will the viewer remember about your photo, tomorrow or next week.
It was difficult to agree on our favourite three images in our group and when we all fed back to Kathy and Alan many of the groups had chosen different images as their favourites or images’ they felt were weak. We were able to discuss what we felt about an image and identify a story in some images.
I think we will all take something away with us from the evening and will think about this when entering and listening to critique from judges.
Next week Rose Bowl – Round 1 on Zoom or
Table Top Shooting Practical (not Zoom, in the Hall)
Tuesday November 9,
Thanks great write up
Superb summary of the evening-thankyou.
Thanks for the write up Carol. It’s a really important point but whether you are shooting with a competition in mind or not, much of what makes successful competition images will improve any image…and importantly that’s not the “it has to be on a third” or those slightly staid “rules”, it’s elements like the impactful composition and the feeling the image creates.
Well done on a comprehensive blog on the evening, good to be reminded of the points to look out for.
Thanks for the write ups Carol. It’s good to be in touch even when I’m miles away