Imagez Club Night – The Stories Behind My Favourite Images – Guest Speaker Steve Brabner
This evening we were treated to an inspirational presentation by Steve Brabner. Steve took us on a journey of his twelve favourite images. He explained that they were not his most successful images in competitions but the ones he liked the best.
Steve took us on a journey not only of his images, but of his creative ideas, his post processing technical procedures, and various countries around the world where he had taken his photos .
He explained with each image, the story he wanted to portray, how he worked through many ideas stage by stage, to finally reach the vision he was happy with. Steve’s images could definitely be described as stunning.
We viewed images that had been photographedin New York, Wyoming, Berlin, St Petersburg, Puglia Italy, Tibet, and Paris. Steves work had often taken a long time to complete and at times he had tucked an image away and then used it to blend with another image.
For example a rather sad Lion that had been situated in Tring Museum for some years was released as Steve put it from his glass case, and eventually got to sit on some steps in The Hermitage building St Petersburg in one of Steve’s images. Steve used two shadow effects to enable the Lion to look as though he had been sitting on the steps.
Sometimes Steve changed background colour, removed people or animals to improve a composition, or added them, or he added tone or light, and many more effects, he indeed is an expert with Light room and Photoshop. He kindly explained all he had done and how and why he had done it .As you will see below Steve’s work is a little surreal sometimes but very creative .
His work inspired the audience, and he received rapturous applause at the end of his presentation. A very enjoyable evening and thank you to Steve.