Last night at ImageZ it was the first of our informal critique evenings.
We are very fortunate to have three CACC judges in our club and two of those judges Julia Cleaver and Alan Taberer gave their time and shared their wealth of knowledge to critique thirty-three images entered by our members.
Julia led a discussion on what qualities were needed to make a good image. These five ideas were agreed upon.
- Originality
- Overall Impact
- Powerful Composition
- Technical Competence
- Artistic Merit.
Most importantly both Julia and Alan urged Photographers to take an image because they liked it, not just because it was what the judges wanted.
An array of images were submitted for critique including Landscapes, Still life, Flowers, Wildlife and Architecture. As we went through the images Julia and Alan gave helpful comments on each image.
Some of the subjects that were discussed were;
- Correct lighting
- Keylines around the edge of an image needing to be thin and a subtle colour
- Was the composition giving the image the best advantage
- Did the image have a good colour palette
- Was all of the image needed or could it be cropped to make it more impactful
- Did the title have relevance to the photograph
- Should the image have been presented in a portrait or landscape orientation.
These were just some of the interesting opinions that the authors could consider. There were many more.
After the break Julia began to ask members of the audience to give their opinions on certain aspects of images which gave another dimension to the critiques.
Here is a selection of the images that were submitted for critique.
To finish the evening, we looked at a variety of prints, discussing the type of paper to use to enhance a print and colour and size of mounts, and we were reminded to always back the image.
We would like to thank Alan and Julia for providing lots of points to focus on and making a very interesting evening.
We would also like to welcome two further new members to the club Martin and Simon.
ImageZ committee would like to thank all the people who volunteer to help the evenings enjoyable and practical, including the people who help to put the screen up, the members who organise the tea each week serve it and clear up, people who put the chairs out and away and members who take our ImageZ mugs home each week to pop them through the dish washer. Without all of this happening our evenings would not happen so smoothly.
Blog written by Carol Haines
Next Week Practical Evening in the Hall
Please bring your cameras, standard lens and or a close-up lens, memory card, battery and if you have one a tripod.