12th September 2023.
Our opening evening had a buzz with the return of many members and new ones. too. Our new Chairman Caroline welcomed everyone back and introduced the new programme and with notes from Kathy and Chris (Programme designers) who unfortunately couldn’t make the first evening. We discussed the ethos of the club which is to support all members to develop their photography skills and knowledge and give people any help they may want. We are privileged to have many very experienced and talented members, and three judges who give their time encouraging others.
Brian explained to us all about the various competitions coming up this year and the new way to enter our work.
After the business we were entertained by looking at the photos captured by members for the ABC Challenge that took place in the holidays when some members met in Aylesbury and photographed anything beginning with letters A to E. Members entered up to four images each. It was amazing to see how a group of people travelling together can see so many different things.
After this came The Chairmans Challenge set for us by Kathy our former Chairman who has stepped down after five years of excellent service.
We had to capture images for Books, Magazines, Travel Catalogues, and Calendars to name but a few, some members even added text to their images.
We had over seventy entries of wonderful covers some you will see below. Entertaining and humorous with some great ideas.
The evening was inspiring and friendly as members clearly enjoyed meeting up again after the summer break. We look forward to a good season.
Blog written by Carol.
Next Week Informal Critique of work, meeting in the Hall. Entries must be in by Sunday 17th September.
It looks like a very interesting and varied evening on Tuesday Carol. I was sorry to miss it, particularly as it was the first evening back in the hall and there was obviously so much to see and talk about. There are lots of good images for both the ABC Aylesbury Challenge, and the Chairman’s Summer Challenge. As always a good blog Carol.
Thank you very much Jan