29th October 2024 ImageZ hosted this competition at Weston Turville in Buckinghamshire, and we welcomed the other clubs Leighton Buzzard from Bedford, and Tring from Herts to take part in this second running of the competition. The evening began promptly with a run through of the forty- five Images entered. Our judge Kevin Day began …
22.10.24 Last night was our first Club Challenge Round One.This is the first of five rounds. The title of the themed round was Close up. There were thirty five entries with many different interpretations. These included flowers, Insects, Fungi, Birds,Leaves,and animals. Amanda Wright from Ealing & Hampshire House was our Judge for the evening gave …
15th October 24 Mark and Judy‘s presentation took us through the journey from days spent in the dark room developing photographs to present day printing with the use of digital cameras, software, and modern printers. They began by showing us prints that they had taken and worked on in the in the early years using …
Members Vote for Entries – 8th October 2024 The Three Counties challenge competition will be held soon and last night was our chance to vote for the entries we felt should represent ImageZ on Tuesday 29th of October. We will be competing against Tring Photography Club and Leighton Buzzard Photography club. There were forty-three entries …
1st October 2024 This seasons first ‘Winner on the Night’ Competition took place in Weston Turville Village Hall. There were fifty- six entries covering photographic genres including Landscape, Seascapes, Portraits, Creative, Abstract, Wildlife, Macro, and Intentional Camera Movement. Our Judge for the evening Ralph Watson, from Field End Photography Club, worked through the images giving …