Hi Folks, Tuesday night was a presentation of things that have taken the interest of our club members during this year. This is just a snapshot of the evening and what took place. The first to give a talk was John Timbrell. John first talked about Somerset house that was showing pictures taken by the …
Hi Folks, Tuesday night was a presentation of images taken using the the shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings after the talk on the subject by Chris two weeks ago. However, during the first part of the evening Kathy brought along the Rosebowl trophy for all to see and Chenxi did a talk about next …
Hi Folks, Last Tuesday night was the first of the ‘winner of the night’ competitions for the new season. There was a massive 72 images presented for the competition and the judge for the evening was Paul Burwood from Field End PS. Paul had a run through all the images first The first image to …
Hi Folks, Tuesday night Chris and Chenxi did a talk on preparing images for entering club competitions. Chris said, entering competitions is not all about winning but more about competing against yourself, to see if you can improve your photography. Chris explained the scores can go up and down as any person’s choice is subjective …
Hi Folks, Tuesday night the club had a critique night where our three club judges where prepared to give an informal opinion on any images presented to them. Members were invited to send in two images that they would like to have comments made on. Our judges for the evening were Julia, Kathy and Alan. …