ImageZ Club Night – What to shoot in Winter?
Tuesday January 4, 2022
On Tuesday evening five members presented talks and power-points on photography in Winter. With inclement weather and Covid it can be difficult to get out and apathy can set in.
David began the evening by talking about various interesting projects to try.
He had some exercises to ‘kick start’ creativity, one which he called Baker’s dozen. This suggestion was to find a location, then take thirteen different pictures from a single spot. His other exercises suggested different approaches to getting started.
Peter spent time telling us about the importance of planning trips in winter, wearing suitable clothes, checking the weather, looking at where the car park is, and making sure equipment is protected from severe weather. This time of year, the sun-rises and sunsets are at more manageable times and it is easier to get out to get some lovely shots. He accompanied his talk with his beautiful photographs.
Kathy spoke next showing various setups she had used to get great images using glasses, smoke trails, flowers in ice, a glass ball and light painting. Kathy said that she didn’t use copious amounts of equipment when using these techniques. She accompanied her talk with slides of how to achieve these images.
Carol had prepared a Power-point showing various still life indoor images using props such as woolly scarves, jumpers, warm drinks, and warm fires to create a cosy atmosphere. Outdoor set ups were taken on frosty mornings with frozen icicles hanging from Cranberries and Hawthorn berries.
Lastly Chris listed reasons why we should be shooting outside, such as Frosty mornings, Snow and Ice, Golden hours, and even Winter flooding which changes the landscape and gives us great reflections. He suggested some great local
locations the River Thame, Eythrope ,Wendover Woods and Brill which will inspire us and are not too far away.
It was an evening packed creative ideas and after Christmas we all needed a bit of a nudge.
Next week is Imagez Club Night – Post Processing Challenge Results