17th December 2024
ImageZ held its traditional Christmas celebration with lots of food and fun. Our social sec – the wonderful Carol – had arranged a stunning buffet, and also organized some ‘challenging’ and fun games. We played Photography Bingo, where all photographic terminology had to be spotted, followed by a game with straws and chickpeas. Chickpeas had to be transferred from one bowl to another using only a straw and ‘suction’ – surprisingly challenging! One or two tables became quite competitive and overheard sorting out techniques and ‘systems’ to speed things along – it was great fun.
The evening whizzed by and, after the obligatory ‘group photo’ it was time for ‘see you next year’!!
Thanks to Carol for all her hard work and inspiration, as well as her team of helpers in the preparation. Many individuals contribute to the success of ImageZ but every club really does need a ‘Carol’!
Blog written by Kathy Chantler
Next meeting – Product Photography practical night 7th January 2025
Thank you Carol for such an enjoyable evening!
Thank you Chris