7th January 2025
On Tuesday we welcomed the New Year in with a session on Product Photography organised by Martin Hommel. It was lovely to see everyone again.
Despite the very cold weather many members came along and bought in a various selection of Perfume, Jewellery, Shells, Make up, and Artefacts even a Pinocchio to be photographed.
People enthusiastically set up their stations around the room and we could wander leisurely discussing Camera equipment, lights and lighting techniques, backgrounds and sharing information on where to buy useful things from such as reflector small clip-on lights ideal for directing the light where it was required.
It was fun to try photographing all the separate set up from different angles and people offered advice and information to each other which is a strength in our club.
The evening went quickly and was especially useful and fun. Thank you to Ken who bought in a delicious rum cake.