Imagez Club Night – Guest Speaker – Long Exposure Fine Art Landscapes (Zoom Meeting) with John Miskelly
Attendees 38
John Miskelly our speaker last night presented some of his beautiful landscape images. His presentation last night featured the use of long exposure, and we were treated to an adventurous trip around the many countries he had visited to get his amazing seascapes. His work is layered in soft tones, with subdued skies and excellent compositions. As John said himself four key elements to photography are
1) Good subject
2)Use of light
3)Strong compositional choices
4)Photographers vision.
John explained what equipment he used, urging us to choose most importantly a strong tripod. He also uses filters, and a Lee Pro Glass stopper to ease bright light. John is a Lee Ambassador.
We visited the countries of Venice, France, Norway (Lofoten), the Island of Senja, and Jersey, also Scotland and Ireland. John said although he had travelled to many countries some of the best landscape photography can be taken in the British Isles.
One of the best features of John’s presentation was the opportunity to see his work straight from camera, the RAW file.
He then carefully explained any post processing he had carried out so that we were able to see each stage, until the finished picture.
He also gave us the timing of his exposures.
Some of us shuddered at John’s adventures as he explained sleeping in a wet tent for two nights, being wet through several times, standing on lone rocks waiting for the correct timing of the tide so that he wasn’t cut off, and many places that were considerably below freezing. He said, “Photographers should take great pleasure in their images and for the love of being in the outdoors.”
The evening was inspiring, and John certainly created much emotion in his wonderful photography. Our members were very inspired by his work and enjoyed his presentation.
Next week: Rosebowl Round 1
Tuesday, October 25th @ 20:00 – 22:00
Location: zoom
Review of Photowalks/
Tuesday, October 25th @ 20:15 – 22:15
Location: Weston Turville Village Hall, 40A Main St, Weston Turville, Aylesbury HP22 5RW,
In case anyone wasn’t clear, John used a combination of graduated neutral density filters (to darken the sky and reduce the contrast between sky and land/water) and a plain neutral density filter (he called it a big stoppet as that is the Lee filters name for their 6/10/15 stop filters, other brands are available) which allowed him to shoot very long exposures. Most cameras have a maximum shutter time of 30 seconds in aperture/shutter priority or manual modes so John was using Bulb mode to extend the shutter time to minutes. Hope that makes sense.
Thank you Chris for explaining in detail the technical side of the evening.