We are all gradually getting used to the new way of working through Zoom. The practicalities of our planned ‘You be the Judge’ evening had to be adjusted by our tech admin – Chris Andrews with some special computer coding to help the process from his talented wife, Annie. We gathered around our individual screens …
In our new virtual existence, the opportunity has been created to invite some guest speakers we’d struggle to get to Weston Turville in normal times. Whilst we’re stilling getting used to operating meetings through Zoom, it’s definitively one positive opportunity. On Tuesday 14th April, we were joined for our evening meeting by expert landscape photographer …
Round 4 of our Club Challenge Competition was held through an online medium, Zoom. This method of continuing meetings under current COVID-19 lock down conditions is proving popular across the country. Using the system is generally straight forward and 26 members gathered together on screen to hear our judge, Steven Galvin from Marlow, outline the various merits (or not) of all our entered …
Circumstances being what they are, and even though not able to meet in our usual way, we carry on undaunted. Zoom seems be the sharing medium of the moment and we are signed up as a club. We had our first meeting with the new format and 24 members managed to plough through the signing …